Roofing shingles
Vinyl, ceramic, or linoleum flooring materials
Pipes coated in asbestos or other asbestos-containing material
Wall and attic insulation that was produced with vermiculite
Surfaces lined with asbestos paper
Asbestosis (a non-cancerous lung disease)
Lung cancer
Your property is about to be remodeled
Your property has asbestos-containing material that is likely to be disturbed
You have access to or are consistently near degraded insulation
And more

As asbestos becomes increasingly unstable with time and degradation, one can never be sure of how likely they are to come into contact with it in the near future.
Thus, during an asbestos survey, our team will not only identify and inspect existing asbestos but will also determine the specific location, as well as provide accurate testing reports according to regional regulations and standards. If asbestos is detected, we will provide you with a detailed report on the locations of which we identified asbestos in your property.
Finally, if you have already undergone an asbestos removal process, we can survey your property to ensure that the procedure was completed properly and effectively.
In short, our team is dedicated to making sure you can breathe a healthy sigh of relief!